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NetXtreme Dynamic Template Component Corporate Silver License 1.2

NetXtreme Dynamic Template Component Corporate Silver License 1.2

NetXtreme Dynamic Template Component Corporate Silver License Publisher's Description

SfbDynamicTemplate is a .NET Template Engine for generating formatted text output from source template and input variables. Examples of such output includes Web Pages, Emails, Source Code, etc. By using SfbDynamicTemplate you can strictly enforce a clean separation of design and development (MVC) on your web application.

Key Features
  1. Supports Unicode.
  2. Can be use to generate any kind of text: HTML, XML, RTF, Email, Source Code, etc.
  3. Lightweight and easy to ship with your product (just only one DLL file).
  4. Template and TemplateClass can be loaded from many sources: file, stream, plain-text.
  5. Template and TemplateClass reusability (you can define one template that will be used for many further purposes).
  6. Utilizes the power of .NET Framework.
  7. Template syntax is similar to C# and very easy to understand.
  8. Powerful template language with all usual directives: include, selection statements(if-else), Iteration Statements(do, for, foreach, while,break, continue).
  9. Initializing and changing variables in template code.
  10. Expressions can be as complex as you want.
  11. Powerful built-in functions (string, type conversion, collection rendering).
  12. Highly extensible with custom function.
  13. Smart and high-performance data type conversion.
  14. Gets template source directory, it's very useful for including external files such as Css or Javascript files in your web page.
  15. Gets and invokes any static, non-static public properties and methods in .NET Framework.
  16. Allows or restricts the calls to specific .NET methods and properties.
  17. Powerful array and dictionary rendering methods.
  18. Able to change tag, expression and template comment delimiters to avoid conflict with other formats. 
  19. Direct output to your own TextWriter.
  20. Able to cache parsed template data to speed up performance.
  21. Unified .NET exception.
  1. Royalty free run-time.
  2. 1 year minor and major product updates.
  3. Full Window Vista support.
  4. Support Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, Delphi 8, C# Builder and other compliant development environments.
  5. Support Drag/Drop integration within Visual Studio.
  6. Safabyte SfbDynamicTemplate can run under both .NET Framework 2.x and 3.x.
  7. SfbDynamicTemplate can be used from ASP.NET web pages, Window Form and Web Services.
.NET Technology
  1. 100% managed code written in C# (Complete source code included in the Gold License with Source Code).
  2. CLS compliant (Common Language Specification).
  3. Passed almost Microsoft FxCop's rules.
  4. 100% component code covered by Unit Test.
  5. Object-oriented design created specifically for .NET Framework version 2.x and above.
  6. Does not use unsafe blocks for minimal permission requirements.
  7. Seamless integration with the .NET base class libraries.
  8. Documentation fully integrated into Visual Studio .NET.
  9. C# and VB.NET samples included in the setup package show how to work with SfbDynamicTemplate.

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